Conduct Risk Course

The FCA focuses on good customer outcomes and how a firm achieves this through staff conduct at all levels of the business. Conduct Risk is a keystone of regulation.

Conduct Risk refers to the risk of an individual or financial firm behaving in a way that negatively impacts market competition, causes detriment to a customer or reputational damage to the business.

Our Conduct Risk Course explains the FCA's approach to Conduct Risk as well as how to recognise and manage conduct risks in daily operations.

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Conduct Risk

About this Course

Available as part of our FCA Compliance Library.

Learning Objectives

This course will prepare you to:

  • Recognise what Conduct Risk is and the complexity of managing it
  • Recognise the Firm's commitment to properly conduct all aspects of our relationship with our customers
  • Understand how we manage Conduct Risk in our business
  • Understand your responsibility to ensure proper conduct

Latest Course Updates

  • Course redesigned with a more modern feel
  • Full review conducted by an FCA expert
  • Text & image updates throughout the course

Course Outline


What is Conduct Risk?

- The Financial Conduct Authority (FCA)
- The FCA's approach
- The FCA's objectives
- Exercise: What do you think?
- What is Conduct Risk?
- Conduct Risk issues
- Principle versus risk-based regulation
- The FCA's 11 Principles for Business

How is Conduct Risk defined?

- How we manage 'Conduct Risk'
- Exercise: Risk effects

Conduct Risk's 9 Key Drivers

- Group 1 - Inherent Risks
- How do we deal with Inherent Risks?
- Group 2 - Structure & Behaviours
- How do we deal with Structural & Behavioural Risks?
- Group 3 - Environmental
- How do we deal with Environmental Risks?
- Exercise: Categorise the risks

Conduct Risk - the FCA's expectations

- What does this mean in practice?
- The focus of Conduct Risk
- What does this mean for us in practice?
- You make the call: Is it expected of us by the FCA?

Conduct Risk and our business

- Mitigating risks
- Exercise: Mitigating risks

Corporate culture

- Measures against Conduct Risk
- The top-down approach
- Senior team responsibilities
- How do we achieve this?
- Scenario: Is this a good Conduct Risk culture?

Good business practice

- The cornerstones of good business practice

Corporate Governance

- Executive & non-executive involvement
- Conduct Risk implications
- How do we demonstrate effective Corporate Governance?
- Systems & Controls
- Examples of Systems & Controls
- Demonstrating effective Systems & Controls
- Scenario: Conduct Risk mitigation
- Our own Systems & Controls
- Effective risk management
- Benefits of good business practice

Conduct Risk & the 'Customer Journey'

- Conduct Risk versus TCF
- Exercise: Conduct Risk or TCF?

Product Design & Governance

- Product approval - new firm responsibilities
- Questions at the Product Design stage
- Product Design evaluation
- Our Product Design & Governance

Scenario: Product design

Disclosures, Terms & Conditions

- Actions to mitigate Conduct Risk
- Our Disclosures, Terms & Conditions
- Exercise: Disclosures, Terms & Conditions


- We are all responsible
- Avoiding mis-selling
- How we sell
- Scenario: Effective Conduct Risk mitigation

'It does what it says on the tin' - After-sales service & transaction handling

- Dealing with mistakes
- After-sales service & transaction handling
- Scenario: After-sales Conduct Risk mitigation
- Conduct Risk - Example 1
- Conduct Risk - Example 2
- Conduct Risk - Example 3
- Conduct Risk - Example 4




Course Specifications




Approximately 50 minutes followed by a 10-question assessment.



Suitable for all staff - examples and interactivities designed for staff at all levels. No previous knowledge or experience is required.



SHARD-compliant, responsive display on all devices, accessibility on screen readers, visual design controlled via client style sheet.



All Windows, Mac OSX, iOS, Android (Flash-free for mobile compatibility). AICC and SCORM 1.2-compliant, suitable for both hosted and deployed SCORM or AICC.



Fully customisable on Skillcast Portal CMS.



Pre-translated versions not available, but all text content can be exported for translation into all languages.



Based on UK legislation, but suitable for global audiences upon the removal of UK-specific references and translation as necessary.

FCA Course Library

Our FCA Course library of over 60 training modules covers everything from high-level and conduct of business standards to thematic topics, including treating customers fairly.

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