David Mangion is an e-learning consultant at Skillcast. Since completing his MA in English at the University of Malta, David has been writing marketing, lifestyle and educational content as well as teaching English. He now helps Skillcast clients to develop bespoke e-learning courses.
From Bloom's Taxonomy to storytelling, we examine the best learning theories and explain how to use them to improve...
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Many businesses try to profit from gaining an unfair competitive advantage. Here are 8 costly examples of what happens...
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Discrimination takes many forms, from gender or age to well-intentioned or just downright malicious. We've examined the...
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The FCA's crypto marketing rules have brought cryptoassets into the spotlight. Cryptocurrency money laundering risks...
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This month's key compliance news includes a crypto exchange hack, two Goldman Sachs fines, updated whistleblowing laws,...
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It's been a relatively quiet year on the AML fines front. We unpack the largest fines of 2022 thus far and explain how...
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Our monthly email provides best practices, expert opinions, industry insights, news and key trends in regulatory compliance training, digital learning, EdTech and RegTech.
We've examined the top 10 compliance news stories in 2022, from major data breaches and discrimination awards to...
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Firms have come under fire for using unapproved electronic channels like WhatsApp, Signal and Telegram. Learn how to...
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Last year saw some big AML breaches with hefty consequences. We unpack the largest fines of 2021 and explain how these...
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