How Gamified Learning Replaced F2F Assessments

Posted by

Simon Truckle

on 29 Jul 2020

French multinational bank Société Générale was looking for an objective and engaging alternative to their face-to-face knowledge assessments. Their solution was a Skillcast game.

Replacing Face-to-Face Assessment for a French Multinational Bank


As part of the knowledge assurance process for Société Générale staff, the bank undertakes spot-checks. They help to ascertain the level of understanding of individuals within the compliance team across key topics. Traditionally these spot-checks were undertaken face-to-face by a senior member of Société Générale staff, reducing objectivity and consistency.

Giovanna Carraro of Société Générale explains why Skillcast gamified learning was her chosen solution to replace F2F compliance assessments.

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Client considerations

Société Générale’s objective was to develop an impartial alternative to complement the face-to-face spot checks. The solution had to fulfil four key requirements:

  1. Fair, objective knowledge check
  2. Fun and engaging
  3. Incentivise individual responsibility
  4. Needs analysis for targeted training


Société Générale decided that a compliance refresher game from Skillcast using the gamification element of our intelligent learning approach best fit their objectives. Skillcast gamified learning focuses on leveraging the motivation behind the gameplay.


Skillcast games tap into those elements by using simple gameplay with an emphasis on feedback and peer-to-peer comparison to encourage competition.

"We noticed that the competitive aspect of the game fomented healthy competition amongst team members who sought to improve their knowledge at every new trial. Consequently, they would be more confident in answering the questions"

Why our gamified solution is unique

Unlike other solutions, our gamified learning has a groundbreaking feature – confidence levels.

Each player reads a short scenario constructed by Skillcast consultants based on key points within the Société Générale compliance manual. This tests the learner’s reaction to real-life situations.
A card is selected, which displays a question. After answering the question, each person must confirm their confidence in their answer.

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"The development of the questions was structured by Compliance topics internal to our organisation such as Client Protection and Market Integrity; various Compliance experts with different backgrounds participated to this exercise to help ensure to have ‘real life’ scenarios which staff could relate to."

It is vital to identify individuals who think that they know everything but actually know very little. This group represent the highest risk of compliance breaches in an organisation.

Analysis of the gamified learning data (including confidence levels) helps compliance professionals to identify these individuals and undertake remedial learning interventions.

As well as making the knowledge checks fair and objective, our approach eliminates the guesswork. If someone is unsure of their answer (guessing), they are unlikely to express confidence in that answer.


We report on the question-level interactions, allowing aggregation of answers to identify knowledge gaps within the business. And SCORM captures the confidence levels and breakdowns

A key objective was to incentivise the staff to take responsibility for their knowledge. The detailed analysis identified knowledge gaps to be tackled as part of their personal development.

"The leader board showed them where they ranked against their competitors, which created healthy competition as only the top 10 in each the department were shown. Players competed with immediate team members but also at a department level to be at the top of the leader board."


Giovanna Carraro of Société Générale explains how Skillcast's sophisticated reporting and metrics allow her to identify weak points and plan future training.

Not got access to YouTube? Watch this video in Wistia

As questions were linked to Compliance themes, management could easily spot where team members within a team had to develop their knowledge in their immediate remit, but also at a Department level which themes are those which staff, in general, are less comfortable with – to provide further training as part of the annual Compliance training program.

  • Identified knowledge gaps
  • Provided further training

The success of the project has led to the process becoming an established means of assessing knowledge within the compliance arena. It is now run annually, with a plan in place to extend the approach to a wider audience.

Industry recognition for our work

The LPI Learning Technologies Award recognises learning projects that either use new or innovative learning technologies in groundbreaking and innovative ways.

The technology we developed for Société Générale provided a uniquely high level of reporting metrics via third-party LMS that beat over 100 entries to be shortlisted for this award.

SCORM-based reporting & metrics

A key feature of Skillcast gamified learning is that it is SCORM based. This means that it can be hosted on any SCORM-compatible Learning Management System.

Wherever it is hosted, our gamified learning courses continue to provide information on confidence levels and peer comparison by benchmarking against average scores.

And it is delivered seamlessly on desktop, tablet or mobile.

A compelling reason for the bank choosing Skillcast was the powerful management information that our gamified learning provides. Questions can be grouped by topic (learning objective) and then broken down by department, manager or geography. This has a number of benefits:

  • The learner can see instantly which areas they need to improve
  • The business can identify topic areas that represent red-flags
  • Efficiently identify weak areas and then deliver relevant adaptive content
  • Time spent on learning is reduced

Other use cases for our gamified learning

The technology behind Skillcast's gamified learning has been designed to ensure it has multi-use flexibility. It can be used in a number of compliance and learning contexts:

  • Pre-course diagnostic assessment
    Text-heavy modules can be automated to deliver content tailored to learner needs.
  • Post-course assessments
    As a more engaging replacement for post-course assessment.
  • Continuous learning retention
    Assessing knowledge retention at a specified period after course completion.
  • Campaigns
    As time-limited campaigns introducing new topics or checking knowledge retention.
  • Competency mapping
    To identify knowledge gaps across teams, roles or other sectors you define in the reporting.

Gamified Learning Brochure

What is gamified learning?

Gamified learning has helped many of our customers to identify strengths, weaknesses and a clear focus for future initiatives. If you'd like to learn more, we have a series of gamification blogs, case studies explaining how we helped Barclays, Société Générale and Royal Mail or and a gaming hub where you can try out one of our themed games.

Skillcast games present your employees with challenging propositions in a realistic context. Learners accept or reject each proposition with a click or swipe, losing lives for each incorrect answer and completing the game within a time limit. They are a fun and engaging learning tool with a serious purpose.

How games improve learning outcomes

  • Driving behavioural change
  • Boosting knowledge retention
  • Improving employee assessments
  • Highlighting competency gaps

Isn't it time you added gamified learning to your compliance learning toolkit?

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