Delivering Agile Compliance Webinar

Length: 39 minutes | Format: Webinar

Speaker: Michael Rasmussen, GRC Pundit, GRC 20/20

Change is the greatest challenge impacting compliance.

In this webinar, Michael Rasmussen explains why we need to focus on ethics, integrity principles and values rather than prescriptive checklists.

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Key themes...

  • Monitoring the internal & external context for impact on culture
  • Keeping policies current and aligned with culture
  • The benefits of 360° contextual awareness of compliance

Watch this free training webinar

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Webinar Speakers


Webinar Host

Michael Rasmussen
GRC Pundit
GRC 20/20

Michael is an internationally recognized authority on Governance, Risk Management, and Compliance (GRC). His expertise covers enterprise GRC, GRC technology, corporate compliance, and policy management.