CASS 9: Information to Clients Training Course

Under the requirements of CASS 9, you are required to pass on certain information to clients, particularly where prime brokers, custody assets and client money are concerned. Learn what your responsibilities are and how you can fully comply with the FCA's rules.

Our CASS 9: Information to Clients Course provides a high-level introduction to the information you need to know to comply with CASS 9: Information to Clients.

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CASS 9: Information to Clients Training Course

About this Course

Available as part of our FCA Compliance Library.

Learning Objectives

This course will prepare you to:

  • Understand the overall requirements of CASS 9
  • Define a prime broker and explain the reports that need to be made by prime brokers
  • Identify the information that needs to be provided regarding custody assets and client money
  • Identify the reporting that is provided to clients on request

Course Outline


What is the purpose of CASS?

Client assets & client money

- You decide: Are they client assets or money

Purpose of CASS 9

CASS 9 in detail

- What is a prime brokerage?
- The FCA's definition

Providing daily reports to clients

- What else must the statement include?
- A durable medium
- You decide: Is it a durable medium?

Prime brokerage agreement disclosure annexe

- Key provisions of the disclosure annexe
- Principle 10 obligations
- You decide: The disclosure annexe

Custody assets & client money information

- Non-MiFID business
- MiFID business
- You decide: What is required?

Reporting to clients on request

- Statements
- You decide: How quickly must you act?
- Are there any exceptions?
- Fair, clear and not misleading




Course Specifications




Approximately 25 minutes followed by a 10-question assessment.



Suitable for all staff - examples and interactivities designed for staff at all levels. No previous knowledge or experience is required.



SHARD-compliant, responsive display on all devices, accessibility on screen readers, visual design controlled via client style sheet.



All Windows, Mac OSX, iOS, Android (Flash-free for mobile compatibility). AICC and SCORM 1.2-compliant, suitable for both hosted and deployed SCORM or AICC.



Fully customisable on Skillcast Portal CMS.



Pre-translated versions not available, but all text content can be exported for translation into all languages.



Based on UK legislation, but suitable for global audiences upon the removal of UK-specific references and translation as necessary.

FCA Course Library

Our FCA Course library of over 60 training modules covers everything from high-level and conduct of business standards to thematic topics, including treating customers fairly.

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FCA Course Library