Operational Resilience Training Course


The FCA has made operational resilience a requirement for banks, building societies, PRA-designated investment firms, enhanced scope firms and other financial institutions.

An operational resilience framework involves identifying important business services, setting impact tolerances, and mapping and testing to respond to operational disruptions.

Our Operational Resilience course will provide you with a better understanding of what the FCA means by operational resilience and how to comply with the FCA's requirements.

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Free Operational Resilience Module

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Operational Resilience Training Course

About this Course

This SCORM-compatible course is part of our FCA Compliance Library.

The library is available in the Skillcast Standard plan for larger companies or Skillcast Basic plan for those with under 50 learners.

Learning Objectives

  • Appreciate what is meant by operational resilience and how it differs from operational risk and business continuity
  • Recognise different types of operational disruptions
  • Know the key elements of an operational resilience programme and operational mapping
  • Identify important business services
  • Set appropriate impact tolerances for important business services
  • Take appropriate action in line with FCA guidance to map operational resilience across your firm and perform scenario testing
  • Communicate operational resilience plans effectively and provide adequate governance

Course Contents


What is operational resilience?

- What are operational disruptions?
- You decide: Why is it important?
- Operational risk versus operational resilience
- What is the difference between operational resilience & business continuity or disaster recovery?

What is the history of operational resilience?

Let's look at the key elements of an operational resilience programme in more detail

- You decide: Who is responsible for operational resilience?
- What are the implementation deadlines for operational resilience?

What are important business services?

- Key factors in identifying important business services
- You decide: Is it an important business service or not?

What are impact tolerances for operational resilience?

- Key considerations when setting impact tolerance
- Examples
- Scenario: The call centre

What is operational resilience mapping?

- More on mapping
- You decide: True or false?

Scenario testing

- You decide: What scenarios to test?
- Cyber resilience 

Lessons learned exercises

- You decide: The elements of an operational resilience self-assessment
- Self-assessment documentation

You decide: The elements of an operational resilience self-assessment

- Self-assessment documentation

Developing communications plans for when important business services are disrupted

- Getting communications right
- You decide: Recognising the benefits

Governance & operational resilience

Supervisory review & feedback

Critical third-party providers - the proposed new rules




Course Specifications



Approximately 55-minute long e-learning course followed by a 10-question assessment.



Suitable for all staff - examples and interactivities designed for staff at all levels. No previous knowledge or experience is required.



SHARD-compliant, responsive display on all devices, accessibility on screen readers, visual design controlled via a client style sheet.



All Windows, Mac OSX, iOS, Android (Flash-free for mobile compatibility). AICC and SCORM 1.2-compliant, suitable for both hosted and deployed SCORM or AICC.



Fully customisable on Skillcast Portal CMS.



Pre-translated versions not available, but all text content can be exported for translation into all languages.



Based on UK legislation, but suitable for global audiences upon the removal of UK-specific references and translation as necessary.

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