AML & CTF Compliance Training Course

Endorsed CPD AML & CTF Course

To prevent criminal activity, nearly all countries in the world have committed themselves to extremely tough laws against money laundering and terrorist financing.

Money laundering is defined as criminal proceeds finding their way into the formal economy via a web of transactions that conceal their true origins.

Terrorist financing can come from rogue regimes or terrorist organisations that feed their cells worldwide under trade payments, investments, remittances and money for education.

Our global AML & CTF Compliance Training Course helps employees understand their obligations to preventing these crimes. It covers 17 regulatory regimes.
For a UK focus, see our AML & CTF Training Course.

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AML & CTF Compliance Training Course

About this Course

Available as part of our Global Compliance Library.

Learning Objectives

This course will prepare your employees to:

  • Identify money laundering and terrorist financing and how it takes place
  • Conduct proportionate, risk-based customer due diligence (CDD)
  • Identify common red flags and take appropriate action
  • Recognise when and how to seek advice and report suspicions
  • Fulfil your obligation not to tip off anyone suspected of money laundering or terrorist financing

Latest Course Updates

  • Course redesigned with a more modern feel
  • Full review conducted by an AML expert
  • Text & image updates throughout the course
  • 19 new news stories to illustrate key AML issues
  • 10 updated activities & scenarios
  • Updated post-course assessment with 20 new questions

Course Outline


What are money laundering & terrorist financing?

- You decide: Money laundering or terrorist financing?
- The impact of money laundering
- Crossing the line

The money laundering process

- Stage 1 of 3: Placement
- Stage 2 of 3: Layering
- Examples of layering
- Stage 3 of 3: Integration
- You decide: The money laundering process

Detecting money laundering

- You decide: AML regulations and risk

Customer Due Diligence

- Best practice: CDD
- Red flags
- You decide: What level of risk?
- Reporting
- You decide: Report or not?
- You decide: Keeping records
- Tipping off

Susceptibility to money laundering

- You decide: PEPs and relatives
- People Easily Tempted (PETs)




Course Specifications



Approximately 45-minute long e-learning course followed by a 10-question assessment.



Suitable for all staff - examples and interactivities designed for staff at all levels. No previous knowledge or experience is required.



SHARD-compliant, responsive display on all devices, accessibility on screen readers, visual design controlled via a client style sheet.

Fast track

FastTrack Option

Ability to offer optional test-out, whereby users can choose to skip the course content and complete the learning assignment simply by passing the assessment.



All Windows, Mac OSX, iOS, Android (Flash-free for mobile compatibility). AICC and SCORM 1.2-compliant, suitable for both hosted and deployed SCORM or AICC.



Fully customisable on Skillcast Portal CMS.



Pre-translated versions not available, but all text content can be exported for translation into all languages.



Based on UK legislation, but suitable for global audiences upon the removal of UK-specific references and translation as necessary.

Access Our Courses on Skillcast Plans

Our compliance training courses are available across Skillcast plans. Our plans cover businesses with small to large teams and offer a mix of tailored and off-the-shelf courses.

We have three plans available; simply choose the one that meets your needs below.

Basic Plan

Skillcast Basic plan provides your own portal pre-loaded with the key compliance courses needed in your sector. It's the most comprehensive and cost-effective compliance training solution on the market for teams of up to 50 staff.

Prices start from £349 for 12 months.

Standard Plan

Skillcast Standard is a flexible plan for building your digital compliance portal. You start with our award-winning Learning Management System and select one or more course libraries to train your staff.

Later, you can add the Policy Hub for policy attestations, DSE self-assessment, Gifts and Hospitality register, and other features to streamline staff compliance.

Premium Plan

Skillcast Premium combines our innovative technology tools and features into one simple solution. The premium plan is designed for companies that want a fully featured, branded and managed portal to transform their staff compliance.

It enables you to create comprehensive user journeys to deliver learning and policies, obtain declarations and submissions, and consolidate data to achieve your compliance outcomes.

More on AML & CTF

For decades, authorities in the UK, EU, and other regions have consistently introduced and intensified AML legislation and regulations. Yet money laundering and terrorist financing are as big a threat as ever. That's why regulators expect companies to continue improving their prevention measures. This encompasses a full spectrum of initiatives, from enhancing awareness and providing training to facilitating due diligence and encouraging reports of suspicious activities.

UK companies operating in sectors governed by Money Laundering Regulations must register with a supervisory authority, such as the FCA for regulated financial services firms, HMRC, or their professional body. These authorities offer broadly similar guidance to the companies they supervise on preventing money laundering and terrorist financing.

The regulations mandate that senior managers within your company oversee AML/CTF compliance and hold them personally liable if they fail to take the necessary measures to protect the business from money laundering and terrorist financing.

AML & Whistleblowing

Blowing the whistle about internal and external malpractices is vital for the functioning and survival of companies.

Whistleblowing is the process by which employees can report suspected or actual improper conduct. It is done in confidence or anonymously, which is vital as staff may feel unsafe or unable to report such behaviour to management.

A solution is to create an online whistleblowing register, enabling your employees to report any suspicion or knowledge of AML/CTF breaches anonymously.

AML Compliance Resources

We've created a comprehensive AML roadmap to help you navigate the compliance landscape, supported by several financial crime prevention courses in our Essentials Library.

We also have 100+ free compliance training aids, including assessments, best practice guides, checklists, desk aids, eBooks, games, posters, training presentations and even e-learning modules!

Finally, the SkillcastConnect community provides a unique opportunity to network with other compliance professionals in a vendor-free environment, priority access to our free online learning portal and other exclusive benefits.

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